Little Falls Senior Center Front Door


Little Falls Senior Center’s funding sources include the Little Falls community offering their help by supporting the senior center’s fund-raisers such as the Thursday morning doughnut sales, first Sunday of the month pancake breakfasts, yearly anniversary celebrations, raffles, garage sales, and bargain bin sales. People of all ages are invited and encouraged to attend the events.

Funding sources also include donations from various organizations, individuals, the hard-working volunteers of Senior Citizens, Inc.; townships, and the City of Little Falls. Thank you for your support. We appreciate it.

Join the Community

Upcoming Events

Fresh Donuts

Every Thursday

7:00 AM until sold out.

Made by seniors and their friends

at the Senior Center

510 NE 7th Street

Little Falls, MN 56345


(320) 632-8009

$7.00 per dozen


$5.00 per half dozen.

Chocolate frosted, maple frosted, vanilla frosted, cinnamon sugared, sugared, and plain are sold.

A variety dozen of donuts and a dozen of all three kinds of frosted donuts are also sold.

Please place your donut order before Thursday.

Best time to place your order is Monday - Friday; 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM.

Everyone is welcome!

Pancake Sausage & Egg Breakfast

Bargain Bin Sale

First Sunday of each month

8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Adults: $10.00

6 - 10 years: $5.00

5 years and under: FREE

Little Falls Senior Center

510 Northeast 7th Street

Everyone is welcome!